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IP image can quickly narrow the distance with users, connect product operations and operational activities, and form an emotional bond between products and users. This paper describes the definition of IP and the role of B-end IP image in UI design, from clear internal and external definition, to the elaboration and extension of the design process, as well as the actual application presentation, a comprehensive B-end IP design method.

Definition of IP

IP is short for Intellectual Property
, that is, intellectual property. In a broad sense, IP generally refers to the use of intellectual property rights in multiple channels, media, and platforms in the way of authorization, to maximize the discovery of content, traffic, and content with diversified characteristics and re-creation attributes. The form of IP
can be people or non-material content such as world view, story, culture, etc. In the field of design, IP mainly refers to IP image design. < / p > < p > < img SRC = "/ skin/img/det1. JPG" Alt = "" data - href =" "style =" "/ > < / p > < h3 > a, the definition of IP < / h3 > < p > IP is Intellectual Property
In a broad sense, IP generally refers to the use of intellectual property rights in multiple channels, media, and platforms in the way of authorization, to maximize the discovery of content, traffic, and content with diversified characteristics and re-creation attributes. The form of IP
can be people or non-material content such as world view, story, culture, etc. In the field of design, IP mainly refers to IP image design. < / p > < p > < img SRC = "/ skin/img/det1. JPG" Alt = "" data - href =" "style =" "/ > < / p > < h3 > a, the definition of IP < / h3 > < p > IP is Intellectual Property
In a broad sense, IP generally refers to the use of intellectual property rights in multiple channels, media, and platforms in the way of authorization, to maximize the discovery of content, traffic, and content with diversified characteristics and re-creation attributes. The form of IP
can be people or non-material content such as world view, story, culture, etc. In the field of design, IP mainly refers to IP image design.

IP is short for Intellectual Property
. In a broad sense, IP generally refers to the use of intellectual property rights in multiple channels, media, and platforms in the way of authorization, to maximize the discovery of content, traffic, and content with diversified characteristics and re-creation attributes. The form of IP
can be people or non-material content such as world view, story, culture, etc. In the field of design, IP mainly refers to IP image design.

IP is short for Intellectual Property
. In a broad sense, IP generally refers to the use of intellectual property rights in multiple channels, media, and platforms in the way of authorization, to maximize the discovery of content, traffic, and content with diversified characteristics and re-creation attributes. The form of IP
can be people or non-material content such as world view, story, culture, etc. In the field of design, IP mainly refers to IP image design.